Kabiven/Kabiven Peripheral

Kabiven/Kabiven Peripheral


Fresenius Kabi


Zuellig Pharma
Concise Prescribing Info
Per 1,026 mL Kabiven Glucose 100 g, amino acids 34 g, nitrogen 5.4 g, lipids 40 g. Osmolarity: 1,060 mOsmol/L. Total Energy: 900 kCal. Per 2,053 mL Kabiven Glucose 200 g, amino acids 68 g, nitrogen 10.8 g, lipids 80 g. Osmolarity: 1,060 mOsmol/L. Total Energy: 1,900 kCal. Per 1,440 mL Kabiven Peripheral Glucose 97 g, amino acid 34 g, nitrogen 5.4 g, lipid 51 g. Osmolarity: 750 mOsmol/L. Total Energy: 1,000 kCal. Per 1,920 mL Kabiven Peripheral Glucose 130 g, amino acid 45 g, nitrogen 7.2 g, lipid 68 g. Osmolarity: 750 mOsmol/L. Total Energy: 1,400 kCal
Parenteral nutrition for patients when oral or enteral nutrition is impossible, insufficient or contraindicated.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Kabiven Infusion rate should not exceed 2.6 mL/kg/hr. Recommended infusion period: 12-24 hr. It is recommended to be infused only in central vein. Kabiven Peripheral Infusion rate should not exceed 3.7 mL/kg/hr. Recommended infusion period: 12-24 hr.
Hypersensitivity to egg or soy protein. Severe hyperlipidemia; inborn errors of amino acid metabolism; acute shock. Severe liver insufficiency. Kabiven: Severe blood coagulation disorders. Kabiven Peripheral: Hyperhydration, acute pulmonary edema & decompensated cardiac insufficiency.
Special Precautions
Electrolyte & fluid balance should be corrected before starting infusion.
Adverse Reactions
Rise in body temp, shivering, chills & nausea/vomiting.
MIMS Class
Parenteral Nutritional Products
ATC Classification
B05BA10 - combinations ; Belongs to the class of solutions for parenteral nutrition used in I.V. solutions.
Kabiven infusion bag (1,026 mL)
(bag) 1026 mL x 1's
Kabiven infusion bag (2,053 mL)
(bag) 2053 mL x 1's
Kabiven Peripheral infusion bag (1,440 mL)
(bag) 1440 mL x 1's
Kabiven Peripheral infusion bag (1,920 mL)
(bag) 1920 mL x 1's
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